11/13/2015 Minimax rates of estimation for high-dimensional linear regression over ℓq-balls

Presenter: Fan Yang
Title: Minimax rates of estimation for high-dimensional linear regression over ℓq-balls
Authors: Garvesh Raskutti, Martin Wainwright, and Bin Yu
Abtract: Consider the standard linear regression model $\y = \Xmat \betastar + w$, where $\y \in \real^\numobs$ is an observation vector, $\Xmat \in \real^{\numobs \times \pdim}$ is a design matrix, $\betastar \in \real^\pdim$ is the unknown regression vector, and w∼(0,σ2I) is additive Gaussian noise. This paper studies the minimax rates of convergence for estimation of $\betastar$ for $\ell_\rpar$-losses and in the ℓ2-prediction loss, assuming that $\betastar$ belongs to an $\ell_{\qpar}$-ball $\Ballq(\myrad)$ for some $\qpar \in [0,1]$. We show that under suitable regularity conditions on the design matrix $\Xmat$, the minimax error in ℓ2-loss and ℓ2-prediction loss scales as $\Rq \big(\frac{\log \pdim}{n}\big)^{1-\frac{\qpar}{2}}$. In addition, we provide lower bounds on minimax risks in $\ell_{\rpar}$-norms, for all $\rpar \in [1, +\infty], \rpar \neq \qpar$. Our proofs of the lower bounds are information-theoretic in nature, based on Fano’s inequality and results on the metric entropy of the balls $\Ballq(\myrad)$, whereas our proofs of the upper bounds are direct and constructive, involving direct analysis of least-squares over $\ell_{\qpar}$-balls. For the special case q=0, a comparison with ℓ2-risks achieved by computationally efficient ℓ1-relaxations reveals that although such methods can achieve the minimax rates up to constant factors, they require slightly stronger assumptions on the design matrix $\Xmat$ than algorithms involving least-squares over the ℓ0-ball.

Written on November 13, 2015